Address :
M.Forat Street - Marka - Amman
Mobile :
+962 78 085 8190

Quality Policy

In order to adapt to expectations of stakeholders with Environment Regulation, Labor Law Regulation, GMP and local requirements, we as Sora Group Companies;

Use suitable technologies to assess, control and minimize the impacts of environment, occupational health and safety arising from our activities, do our best to create a working environment in which there is no environment and work accidents and occupational diseases.

Prioritize education and communication. Take raising the awareness of quality, environment and occupational safety of our employees.

Develop the efficiency of management system consistently.

Ensure customer satisfaction by meeting the requests of customers quickly and accurately by using high-quality raw materials.

Ensure quality of infrastructure and personnel to make the production in accordance with requirements.

Fulfill requirements by following satisfactions and expectations of related parties.

Implement quality standards, GMP (Good manufacturing practices) requirements, legal regulations and customer-specific requests and work faultlessly by ensuring a structure for consistent development.

Organize training activities for our employees and stakeholders to raise the awareness level of environment, occupational health and safety and gain individual responsibilities; especially give importance in changing behaviors of people to raise occupational safety.

Ensure wastes are minimized for a sustainable environment, support recycling, and enable energy and natural resources to be used efficiently.

Aim to be a leading company in terms of Environment, Occupational Health and Safety, Quality practices.

Undertake to improve the performance consistently with targets in order to prevent risks to affect quality level before arising by reviewing Integrated Quality Policy and using related management systems.

